Research + App Design
Helped RockPass simplifiy multi-gym memberships, boost user convenience and enhance the overall rock climbing experience.

My Contribution

Design / Iterations


My design goal was to create a seamless and user-friendly platform for RockPass, making it easy for climbers to manage multiple gym memberships and access a variety of climbing options. The design focused on enhancing usability, flexibility, and community engagement.

Simplicity and Ease of Use

RockPass prioritized simplicity and ease of use throughout the app's interface. From the onboarding flow to the quick purchase experience and digital check-in interface, the design aimed to make the user journey intuitive and frictionless, allowing climbers to access multiple gyms seamlessly.

User-Centric Design

The entire design process of RockPass was centered around understanding the needs, pain points, and goals of climbers and gym owners. Through user research interviews, and continuous user feedback, the app's design and features were tailored to address these user needs and provide an optimal user experience.

During the ideation phase, I let my imagination run wild, brainstorming innovative solutions and features that could solve the identified user needs. These ideas were transformed into low-fidelity prototypes, allowing for quick iterations and feedback gathering.

Streamlined Onboarding Process

RockPass implemented a simple and efficient onboarding process that prioritized user convenience. Upon launching the app, users were presented with a clear and straightforward first screen, offering options to either log in or sign up. By placing these choices upfront, RockPass ensured a frictionless entry into the app.

On the second screen, users were prompted to enter their zip code, allowing RockPass to tailor the gym options to their specific geographic location. This step optimized the user experience by presenting relevant gym choices and reducing the time and effort required for manual searching. The third screen of the onboarding process allowed users to select gyms in their area, presenting a curated list or a visually engaging map view.


Prototyping played a crucial role in the design process, allowing for the visualization and testing of various design approaches. Low-fidelity prototypes were used to gather user feedback, which was then incorporated into iterative refinements, ensuring that the final design decisions were rooted in user preferences and expectations.

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